PPD TOC – Partners Promoting Darts

Player Information and Code of Conduct

Nationals Rules All Star Rules ShootersAdvantage

League Costs/How To Participate in Leagues/League Rules

NOTE: League fees must be added to the board before a match can start. Do not add league fees until you have confirmed with your opponents that they are at the location and ready to play. Payouts to all teams plus positional prize money to top 3 teams.

League Costs (Fees only; games are additional)

Doubles: $28/Team = $14/Player

Open Doubles (No Cap/HCP): $32/Team = $16/Player

Triples: $33/Team = $11/Player

4-Person: $40/Team = $10/Player


$4/Player towards Prize Money

$3 towards per win Prize Money & $1 towards positional Prize Money

$2/Player towards PPD Remote Tournament Fund


Must have Player Account to receive payouts for leagues and tournaments. Follow link to set up your account today!

How Payouts Work

Daily Remote Tournaments(DRTs)/How To Participate in DRTs/FAQ/DRTRules

Daily Remote Tournaments

How Do I Get Ranked for PPD?

How Stats