Make it a Break and Run!

Durable Equipment & Tables
Valley coin-operated pool tables are a hit with our area. Save the purchase and upkeep costs. J&S has you covered. And we keep our tables covered and maintained! Valley tables are reliable and providing them helps you bring in more traffic. Leagues are generally set up to run on slow bar nights and helps bring in residual income during idle business stretches. Having tables there on busy nights generates more income while your happy customers spend time playing a game they love! A competitive profit split on the equipment paired with increased inside sales for your location means you win!
VNEA/BCA National Leagues
For the players, J&S is chartered with VNEA (Valley) and BCAPL (BCA) leagues and partnered with OCMA (Ohio Coin Machine Association) and IAMOA (Indiana Machine Operators). This allows our leagues to be eligible to play in several state tournaments as well as the national tournaments in Las Vegas, Nevada. Qualifying players can participate our annual Appreciation and Great Lakes divisional tournaments!

Local League Operators/Coordinators
Our league coordinators are full-time in house at our location, so J&S can offer the best possible service for locations and league experience for your pool players. We handicap some of our leagues, and feed Fargorate, so players have a real-time rating for unrelated events outside the leagues.
Flexible Scheduling
J&S Electronics leagues are offered several nights per week throughout west central Ohio. We run different formats throughout the seasons and dual sanctions are available in certain areas. Pull regular players (and repeat customers) by getting involved in J&S leagues.